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1. Does science support importance of fascia and myofascial release (MFR)?

Answer: In one word, ABSOLUTELY! For too long fascia has been largely overlooked by the medical  community as a whole, however, recently more research is coming in support of the importance of fascia and it's role in our health and wellbeing.  In addition to books, there are many articles available online in support of myofascial release. 

2. Is myofascial release same as stretching?

Answer: No, stretching is a good tool to keep the body flexible and mobile, however stretching in the 'typical' form does not treat the fascia. Stretching is typically applied as 'muscle' technique only which is very different in myofascial release as the mind/body connection is very important. Another major difference is the time element, in myofascial release the various positions and holds are performed for a minimum of 90 seconds and can be maintained for a much longer time frame based on what the patient needs. Stretching is typically performed for 30 seconds. 

3. Can myofascial release treat chronic pain?

Answer: Yes, I have treated many patients with various pains which are chronic in nature. A number of patients have 'tried everything else' and come to me as a last resort. As with any treatment the quicker someone is treated with myofascial release the better the recovery, however I have had good success with many patients suffering from chronic pain.

4. How long does treatment last?

Answer: A typical treatment session is scheduled for an hour as myofascial release is a form of treatment which relies on having ample amount of time. I also do not want my patients to feel rushed in and out of treatment. 

5. What is therapeutic pain?

Answer: This is referred to pain someone can feel immediately after treatment or several hours later. We used to believe in 'no pain, no gain', then our mindset went to the polar opposite to avoid any pain. The reality is that not all discomfort is bad, just taking a pain medication and covering up symptoms actually solves nothing. At times after MFR treatment our bodies can go through therapeutic pain, which can present as soreness, a mild headache, or feeling woozy (similar to after a massage) . This is a very unique form of treatment and every individuals body can respond in their own way.  In MFR, the philosophy isn't to just cover up the pain, whether it's physical and/or emotional, it's to deal with and get past it to live a fulfilling life. 

6. Are there ever any adverse reactions to treatment?

Answer: A majority of the patients do not experience any adverse reactions. Some patients experience soreness in areas of the body worked on directly or in other parts of the body. There can be pain at times as the body reacts differently to this unique form of treatment. All adverse reactions usually go away in a few hours to maximum 72 hours. 

7. What is a myofascial unwinding?

Answer: It's a process in which a patient may spontaneously move a part of their body or their entire body. Patient's may be silent or make sounds, an unwinding may be an emotional experience for some. The idea is letting the body be free and uninhibited and trusting that it will keep itself safe. These are NOT mandatory for feeling better, however they will greatly deepen your understanding of your own body.

8. Do I need to wear comfortable clothing for myofascial release treatment?

Answer: Yes, in myofascial release therapy access to the body is important. A therapist usually work in a hands on manner contact with the skin is critical. However, I respect everyone's comfort level and personal boundaries.



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